“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
- Claude Bernard -
Chronological List of Publications:
Hasan, Md. Ragib; Spivak, David A.; “Benzylfentanyl as a Surrogate Template for Fentanyl-Selective Imprinted Polymers”; , 15(18), 3669; doi.org/10.3390/polym15183669
Bueno, Federico; Spivak, David A.; Sathivel, Subramaniam; “Evaluation of the properties of dry bacterial cellulose synthesized from coffee kombucha fermentation dried with different drying methods”; , 1-13. doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2023.2274402.
Gliga, Laura-Elena; Iacob, Bogdan-Cezar; Moldovean, Sanda-Nastasia; Spivak, David A.; Bodoki, Andreea Elena; Bodoki, Ede; Oprean, Radu; “Analytical Perspectives in the Study of Polyvalent Interactions of Free and Surface-Bound Oligonucleotides and Their Implications in Affinity Biosensing”; Int. J. of Molecular Sciences 2023, 24(1), 175. doi.org/10.3390/ijms24010175.
Davis, Raeshan; Winfield, Leyte; Spivak, David; Wilson-Kennedy, Zakiya S.; “Role of International Research Experiences in the Development of Women of Color in Chemistry”; J. Chem. Educ. 2022, 99, 104−112. doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00518.
Davis, Raeshan D.; Wilson-Kennedy, Zakiya S.; Spivak, David; “International Research Experiences in the Development of Minority Scientists”; 2021, Front. Educ. 6:674673.
doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.674673
Pandey, Arjun; Haywood, Benjamin J.; Abdalla, Ghada; Smith, Stephen; Subramanian, Balamurugan; Spivak, David A.; Cook, Robert L.; “Controllable and Scalable Engineered Soil Surrogates Utilizing Simulated Soil Organic Matter for the Study of Environmental, Ecological, and Agricultural Processes”; ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2020, 4(6), 912-919.
Bodoki, Andreea Elena; Iacob, Bogdan-Cezar; Gliga, Laura Elena; Oprean, Simona Luminita; Spivak, David A.; Gariano, Nicholas A.; Bodoki, Ede; “Improved enantioselectivity for atenolol employing pivot based molecular imprinting” Molecules 2018, 23(8), 1875/1-1875/20.
Hamdan, Suzana; Moore, Leonard, Jr.; Lejeune, Jason; Hasan, Farhana; Carlisle, Trevor K.; Bara, Jason E.; Gin, D. L.; La Frate, Andrew L.; Noble, R. D.; Spivak, David A.; et al. “Ionic liquid crosslinkers for chiral imprinted nanoGUMBOS” J. Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 463, 29-36.
Diaz-Alvarez, Myriam; Smith, Stephen P.; Spivak, David A.; Martin-Esteban, Antonio. “Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymeric fibers using a single bifunctional monomer for the solid-phase microextraction of parabens from environmental solid samples” J. Separation Science 2016, 39(3), 552-558.
Hebert, Britney; Meador, Danielle S.; Spivak, David A. “Scalemic and racemic imprinting with a chiral crosslinker” Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 890, 157-164.
Bai, Wei; Spivak, David A. “A Double-Imprinted Diffraction-Grating Sensor Based on a Virus-Responsive Super-Aptamer Hydrogel Derived from an Impure Extract” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53, 2095–2098.
Krupadam, R. J.; Nesterov, E. E.; Spivak, D. A., Highly selective detection of oil spill polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using molecularly imprinted polymers for marine ecosystems. J. Hazard. Mater. 2014, 274, 1-7
Berton, P.; Regmi, B. P.; Spivak, D. A.; Warner, I. M., Ionic liquid-based dispersive microextraction of nitrotoluenes in water samples. Microchimica Acta, 2014, 181, 1191-1198.
Meador, Danielle; Spivak, David A. “Absolute Configuration Determination Using Enantiomeric Pairs of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers” Organic Letters, 2014, 16, 1402–1405.
Bai, Wei; Gariano, Nicholas A.; Spivak, David A. “Macromolecular Amplification of Binding Response in Superaptamer Hydrogels” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 6977-6984.
Balamurugan, Subramanian; Mayer, Kathryn M.; Lee, Seunghyun; Soper, Steven A.; Hafner, Jason H.; Spivak, David A. “Nanostructure shape effects on response of plasmonic aptamer sensors” Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2013, 26, 402-407.
Astete, Carlos E.; Songe Meador, Danielle; Spivak, David; Sabliov, Cristina; “Synthesis of Vitamin E-Carnosine (Vecar): New Antioxidant Molecule with Potential Application in Atherosclerosis” Synthetic Communications, 2013, 43, 1299-1313. DOI:10.1080/00397911.2011.632829.
Spivak, David A. “Enantioseparations by high-performance liquid chromatography using molecularly imprinted polymers” Methods in Molecular Biology; Scriba, Gerhard K.; Ed.; Springer, New York, NY, USA; 2013, 970 (Chiral Separations), 209-220.
Horemans, F.; Weustenraed, A.; Spivak, D.; Cleij, T. J., “Towards water compatible MIPs for semsing in aqueous media” Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2012, 25, 344-351.
Spivak, David A.; Shea, Kenneth J., “Editorial: MI2010: The Future of Molecular Imprinting” Journal of Molecular Recognition 2012, 25, 319.
Tiwari, Rajesh; Spivak, David A.; “Kinetics and mechanism of the charge-transfer polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated with n-butyl amine and carbon tetrachloride catalyzed by palladium dichloride” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 124, 4025-4032.
Subramanian Balamurugan, Spivak, David A.; “Molecular Imprinting in Monolayer Surfaces” Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2011, 24, 915–929.
Subramanian, Balamurugan; Kim, Namwon; Lee, Wonbae; Spivak, David A.; Nikitopoulos, Dimitris E.; McCarley, Robin L.; Soper, Steven A.; “Surface Modification of Droplet Polymeric Microfluidic Devices for the Stable and Continuous Generation of Aqueous Droplets” Langmuir 2011, 27, 7949-7957.
LeJeune, Jason; Spivak, David A.; “Analyte separation by OMNiMIPs imprinted with multiple templates.” Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2009, 25, 604-608.
Yoshimatsu, Keiichi; LeJeune, Jason; Spivak, David A.; Ye, Lei. “Peptide-imprinted polymer microspheres prepared by precipitation polymerization using a single bi-functional monomer.” Analyst, 2009, 134, 719-724. DOI: 10.1039/b814967d
Reed, Neal N.; Spivak, David A.; “A practical synthesis of (11-mercaptoundecyloxy)-triethylene glycol: A valuable precursor for multicomponent self-assembled monolayers.” Journal of Sulfur Chemistry 2009, 30, 477-480.
Meng, Andrew C.; Le Jeune, Jason; Spivak, David A.; “Multi-analyte imprinting capability of OMNiMIPs versus traditional molecularly imprinted polymers.” Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2009, 22, 121-128.
Balamurugan, Subramanian; Obubuafo, Anne; McCarley, Robin L.; Soper, Steven A.; Spivak, David A.; “Effect of Linker Structure on Surface Density of Aptamer Monolayers and Their Corresponding Protein Binding Efficiency.” Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 9630-9634.
Balamurugan, Subramanian; Obubuafo, Anne; Soper, Steven A.; Spivak, David A.; “Surface immobilization methods for aptamer diagnostic applications.” Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2008, 390, 1009-1021.
Obubuafo, Anne; Balamurugan, Subramanian; Shadpour, Hamed; Spivak, David; McCarley, Robin L.; Soper, Steven A; “Poly(methyl methacrylate) microchip affinity capillary gel electrophoresis of aptamer-protein complexes for the analysis of thrombin in plasma.” Electrophoresis, 2008, 29, 3436-3445
LeJeune, Jason; Spivak, David A.; “Chiral effects of alkyl-substituted derivatives of N,O-bismethacryloyl ethanolamine on the performance of one monomer molecularly imprinted polymers (OMNiMIPs).” Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2007, 389, 433-440.
Simon, Ryan; Collins, Melissa E.; Spivak, David A.; “Shape selectivity versus functional group preorganization in molecularly imprinted polymers.”, Anal Chim Acta, 2007, 591, 7-16.
Balamurugan, S.; Obubuafo, A.; Soper, S. A.; McCarley, R. L.; Spivak, David A.; “Designing Highly Specific Biosensing Surfaces Using Aptamer Monolayers on Gold,” Langmuir, 2006, 22, 6446-6453.
Spivak, David A.; Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; Houck, S.; “Development of one monomer molecularly imprinted polymers (OMNIMIPS),” Polymer Preprints, 2005, 46, 1103-1104.
Spivak, David A.; “Optimization, evaluation, and characterization of molecularly imprinted polymers.” Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2005, 57, 1779-1794.
Spivak, David A.; "Selectivity in Molecularly Imprinted Polymers," Chapter in Molecularly Imprinted Materials, Science and Technology; M. Yan, O. Ramstrom, Eds.; Marcel Dekker, New York, 2005, 395-417.
Simon, Ryan; Houck, Stephen; Spivak, David A.; “Comparison of particle size and flow rate optimization for chromatography using one-monomer molecularly imprinted polymers versus traditional non-covalent molecularly imprinted polymers.” Anal. Chim. Acta, 2005, 542, 104-110.
Spivak, D., “ Improved strategy for molecular imprinting.”, Letters in Organic Chemistry 2005, 2(1), 2.
Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; Spivak, D.A.; "Molecular Imprinting Made Easy," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 7827-7833.
Spivak, D.A.; Simon, R.; Campbell, J.; "Evidence for Shape Selective Cavity Formation in Molecularly Imprinted Polymers," Anal. Chim. Acta, 2004, 504, 23-30.
Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; Spivak, D.A.; "Characterization of Novel Materials for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers using Hybrid Crosslinking Monomers," Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2004, 42, 3668-3675.
Simon, R.; Spivak, D.A.; "Performance Analysis of MIPs for Carboxylate and Aminophosphate Templates using Commercially Available Basic Functional Monomers," J. Chromatogr. B, 2004, 804, 203-209.
Spivak, David A.; "MIPs in Biotechnology, Perspective and Reality," Chapter in: Molecular Imprinting of Polymers; S. Piletsky, I. Nicholls, Eds., 2004, Landes Bioscience, http://www.landesbioscience.com/iu/output.php?id=358.
Spivak, D. A.; "A New Mechanistic Diagram for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers," MRS Symposium Proceedings, 2004, Volume Date 2003, 787, 23-28.
Kim, Hyunjung; Spivak, David A.; "New Insight into Modeling Non-Covalently Imprinted Polymers," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 11269-11275.
Kim, H.; Spivak, D. A.; "An Orthogonal Approach to Multifunctional Molecularly Imprinted Polymers," Org. Lett. 2003, 5, 3415-3418.
Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; Spivak, D.A.; "Enhanced Enantioselectivity of Imprinted Polymers Formulated with Novel Crosslinking Monomers," Macromolecules 2003, 36, 5105-5113.
Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; Spivak, D.A.; "Improving the Strategy and Performance of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers using Crosslinking Functional Monomers," J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68, 9604-9611.
Spivak, D.A.; Simon, R.; Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; Campbell, J.; "Shape selectivity in non-covalently imprinted polymers," Polymer Preprints, 2003, 44, 657-658.
Spivak, D.A.; Kim, H.; "Influence of template-monomer ratio on binding sites within molecular imprinted polymers," Polymer Preprints, 2003, 44, 661-662.
Spivak, D.A.; Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; "Development of Novel Crosslinking Monomers for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers," MRS Bulletin, 2002, 723, 5-10.
Spivak, D.A.; Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; "Development of an Aspartic-Acid Based Cross- Linking Monomer for Improved Bioseparations," Bioseparation, 2002, 10, 331-336.
Sibrian-Vazquez, M.; Spivak, D.A.; "A convenient synthesis of 3-(S)-amino-g-butyrolactone," Synlett 2002, 7, 1105-1106.
Spivak, D.A.; Campbell, J.; "Systematic Study of Steric and Spatial Contributions to Molecular Recognition by Non-Covalent Imprinted Polymers," Analyst 2001, 126, 793-797.
Spivak, D.A.; Shea, K.J.; "Investigation into the Scope and Limitations of Molecular Imprinting with DNA Molecules," Anal. Chim. Acta. 2001, 435, 65-74.
Spivak, D.A., Hoffman, T., Janda, K.J.; "A Comparison of Flexible and Constrained Haptens in Eliciting Antibody Catalysts for Paraoxon Hydrolysis," Bioorg. Med. Chem. 1999, 7, 1145-1150.
Spivak, D.A.; Shea, K.J.; "Molecular Imprinting of Carboxylic Acids Employing Novel Functional Macroporous Polymers," J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, 4627-4634.
Spivak, D.A.; Shea, K.J.; "Binding of Nucleotide Bases by Molecularly Imprinted Polymers," Macromolecules 1998, 31, 2160-2165.
Spivak, D.A.; Shea, K.J.; "Evaluation of Binding and Origins of Specificity of 9-Ethyladenine Imprinted Polymers," Journal of the American Chemical Society 1997, 119, 4388-4393.
Shea, K.J.; Spivak, D.A.; Sellergren, B.; "Polymer Complements to Nucleotide Bases. Selective Binding of Adenine Derivatives to Imprinted Polymers," Journal of the American Chemical Society 1993, 115, 3368-3369.